Friday, January 6, 2012

Slightly obsessed with having a six-pack

I think I have at least a dozen blogs about abs, but here are just a few:

Athletic Abs: Start Working baby!

Athletic Abs: Understanding the Abdominals

Athletic Abs: Stop dreaming

Ask the Trainer: Flat Abs

A hard lesson about six-pack abs

I made my 2012 vision board and I think it is slightly focused on getting a 6-pack! And then when I made a mini-vision board to carry in my purse, I noticed that it was all about six-packs!!

Here are some of the things I cut from Oxygen magazines to add to my vision board:

A six pack is the result of three things: The right cardio training, the correct abdominal training and a good clean diet. Nutrition plays a large role. Your overall body-fat percentage has to be reduced while whittling your middle with an ab routine. No matter how much you train, if your diet isn’t clean then your body won’t be able to shed the water and fat off your abs so you can see a flat, toned tummy. Walk away from the cookie and focus,” says Alicia Marie, fitness model and trainer

The six-pack secret. What keeps our abs buried beneath a layer of fat are empty carbs such as white bread, pasta and rice and of course, baked goods and other sweet treats that combine refined flour and a ton of sugar: two major roadblocks.

“Remind yourself that you are going for your best you. If you want a flatter, tighter, more toned tummy, then work must be put into training – and your diet had to be tight. Follow the rules and everything falls into place,” Alicia Marie says again. LOL, I have an obsession with her and all her fitness tips.

Want abs like these? (with a picture of Alicia Marie showcasing her abs) Eat blueberries. Their naturally occurring antioxidants might help reduce abdominal fat, according to a new study out of Michigan. Make sure to throw in plenty of cardio and some full-body weight training (not just crunches!) to achieve your killer six-pack.

Move to Do: A plank. This is an all-over core strengthener that you can work on gradually (start at 10 seconds, then increase to 1 minute). Fit it in! When you’re waiting for your morning oatmeal to cook, drop to the floor and get it done.

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