Monday, January 25, 2010

All goals met today!

Um, not doing so great with one of those goals. The night snacking! Ugh! Well, as soon as I typed that blog, I was craving for something. Anything!

And I caved!

A bowl of cereal. That wasn't really what I wanted, but it was the only thing around that was quick. I did 75 minutes of workout, I did the 10 cups of water and the no coffee. Yippee! But I see where I have to work the hardest.

And this morning I almost caved with the coffee. I poured a cup, added Splenda and cream, but I just sat it on my desk and smelled it. Did not drink a drop. Yippee!

I am on cup number 8 of my water and have yet to do my workout, which will have me drinking the last 2. I have two workouts scheduled that total 75 minutes. So today has been a great day so long as I don't give into late night snacking after I post this blog!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Goals for the week

I miss my healthy/fitness blogging so I am challenging myself to blog about something here daily. I have been distracted with other elements of my life, not that I haven't still been eating right and exercising, just not a lot of time to think about it 24-7 as I have in the past.

Anyway, I decided to post my weekly goals here on what I would like to stay on top of. I struggle like everyone else and I have some weaknesses.

Goal 1:
No coffee! It's not that it is bad, but it is the things I add to it. I have gone a month without it before, but I need to be done with it for good! So far I have gone five days without it so hopefully I can do this for another week.

Goal 2:
10+ cups of water. May seem like a lot to some, but for me, 10 is just the base minimum for me. 8 is not enough for me, so I strive for 10 daily and more if I can.

Goal 3:
At least 75 minutes of exercise a day. I think I can actually achieve this because I have some intense workouts planned this week.

Goal 4:
No late night snacking! Of all my issues, I think this is the worse. I just can't seem to control it sometimes. I went 3 days last week with no late night snacking, so I am hoping to have a 7-day streak this week.

That's all for this week. I would throw the sleep issue in here, but I am not ready to tackle that for this week. But the not having coffee in the morning should make me WANT to get to sleep earlier. We'll see.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New You

How many times do we hear this phrase? Lots! Personally, I hate it. Well, not hate, dislike. I also hate...okay, dislike when people say the do no make New Year's Resolutions. Instead, they make goals. Umm, HELLO! It's like the same thing!

Whatever you decide to call them or make them, be it the middle of the year or every month, the object is to just do it!! Be successful at it. Don't let one day destroy your plans. I now I stumble a lot, and people think because I have lost 40 pounds, I know all the answers.

I wish I did!

I gained 10 of it back, so it's a never ending battle for me. I never thought I would let it get out of hand again, but it has. Well, I didn't gain it all back, which could have very well happened if I did not tell myself to STOP! I was so tired of eating the same things over, and over again. I tried all types of variety, even going raw for awhile. Well now, I am not even a vegetarian anymore. I needed something to spice things up.

But hey, no excuses here. I'm human. I try my best every day and that is the best I can do.