Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New You

How many times do we hear this phrase? Lots! Personally, I hate it. Well, not hate, dislike. I also hate...okay, dislike when people say the do no make New Year's Resolutions. Instead, they make goals. Umm, HELLO! It's like the same thing!

Whatever you decide to call them or make them, be it the middle of the year or every month, the object is to just do it!! Be successful at it. Don't let one day destroy your plans. I now I stumble a lot, and people think because I have lost 40 pounds, I know all the answers.

I wish I did!

I gained 10 of it back, so it's a never ending battle for me. I never thought I would let it get out of hand again, but it has. Well, I didn't gain it all back, which could have very well happened if I did not tell myself to STOP! I was so tired of eating the same things over, and over again. I tried all types of variety, even going raw for awhile. Well now, I am not even a vegetarian anymore. I needed something to spice things up.

But hey, no excuses here. I'm human. I try my best every day and that is the best I can do.

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