Wednesday, February 9, 2011

100-Day Exercise Challenge Day 40: Piyo and Hustle?

You can do it too!

Is this girl out of her flipping mind? I received my Piyo workouts in the mail today and was so excited I wanted to do it immediately (well, not at work, but when I got home).  But I also wanted to do my regularly schedules workout as well

10 minutes BL 30-Day Jump Start Cardio Level 2
70 minutes Hip Hop Hustle 9 (Yep, did the whole thing, both hustles and the show....minus the cool down)
35 min PIYOOOOO! (Imagine me yelling this like the Yahoooo commercials, LOL! This is how I like to say it)
15 min WiiFit plus
20 push ups on Wii (Wooohaaa!)
15 crunches (so wimped out here. I plan on making it to 100 a night, yeah,right!)

What I like about Piyo? The moves really work the core and that's my favorite muscle group to work.  What i don't like is the learning curve to get these moves down.  I spend time looking up at the TV watching the moves, I can't get it correctly.  i know over time, this gets better, so I just kept at it.  Thankfully, they have a person doing modified moves.  I don't know if I can ever get to an advanced level.

Lots of yoga moves I am familiar with (P90X's Yoga X helped a lot for that) and some Pilate's moves as well.  And it was fast! I thought the workout was 60 minutes, so imagine my surprise when it was over after 35.  But hey, any longer and I might have wimped out anyway.

I'm amazed I did the Hustle for 70 minutes!!  WHAT?? This girl is crazy right.  Anyway, when you are having fun, it's not like a workout! I'm spreading the Hustle love wherever I go.  Try it!  Now!

Total workout minutes: 130 minutes!

I'm killing this challenge! Was 30 minutes a day, then 60, so next month I am upping it to 90 minutes a day (and probably will aim for close to 2.5 hours)

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